October 23, 2013

How well does anti malaria medicine work?!?

The good news is I'm not having any side effects from the anti malaria medicine I'm taking..however the instructions say to keep it at 75 degrees F. Hmm, rather difficult near the equator. I think I've been keeping it at around 95 degrees in the back of the truck! So now I'm in a new hotel ( more on that later) with only one fan and one small window for ventilation ( and did I mention being near the equator?) For some reason there is no screen in the sliding door. I finally hooked up the fan near the bed and near the window only to find out that when I turn the bedside light off, the fan goes off. Grrr!

So, sleep with the light on, call housekeeping, or trust the mosquito netting / medicine and open the sliding door?!


  1. Fan? No air conditioning? Yikes!!!

  2. Yes, that is a luxury I had to leave at home :( So far it's not bad.
