February 14, 2014

My travel playlist

Here are the songs that captured my changing moods and locations across 9 countries:

Shattered by The Rolling Stones - I can relate, Mick
The passenger by Iggy Pop - an obvious choice
Once in a lifetime by The Talking Heads - "Well, how did I get here?" Going out to you, Ethiopia!
Moto by Freshlyground - my new favorite African band
Sodade by Cesaria Evora - a wistful Portuguese ballad I played on the coast of Mozambique
Aman by Bombino - though he's from Niger, this song reminds me of Ethiopian music
Lalla by Rokia Traore - I'm a sucker for Malian music
Dancing with the moon by Balkan Beat Box - although these guys live in NY, this is the song I would play if I was riding a camel and said camel had an iPod dock
Indian Summer by Anoushka Shankar - the obligatory sitar song
In the Aeroplane over the sea by Neutral Milk Hotel - why I travel
Every F'cking city by Paul Kelly - possibly the funniest song about travel fatigue
Going home by Luna - a somewhat melancholic return to NY
If you have Spotify, you can link to my play list:

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