February 15, 2014

So you want to cross the street?

My guide estimated that there are 8 million people in Saigon, and 5 million motorbikes! The city is alive with their humming and honking. Saigon has wide, European-style streets and a plethora of shops. It's a pleasure to explore on foot, with one exception - crossing the street. Most corners have a cross walk but no stop light, and even if there is a light, it's legal to turn right on red, so traffic never stops. Therefore in order to cross the street, you must step out in front of dozens of oncoming motorbikes. Instinct tells you to run for your life, but instead you move very slowly, giving the motorbikes time to swerve around you. I quickly realized if I had more than one drink I would never make it back to my hotel!

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