December 3, 2013

African literature

Some of my favorites:

What is the What? by Dave Eggers - American narrating the story of a 'Lost Boy' of Sudan
Disgrace by JM Coetzee - South Africa 
The Grass is Singing by Doris Lessing - South Africa / Rhodesia
We Need New Names by NoViolet Bulawayo - Zimbabwe
My Son 's Story by Nadine Gordimer - South Africa 
The Innocent Anthropologist - Notes from a Mud Hut by Nigel Barley - British anthropologist chronicling his times in Cameroon 
The Worlds of a Maasai Warrior - An Autobiography by Tepilit Ole Saitoti

And I bought a terrific collection of African short stories in Cape Town:

What are your favorites?


  1. Have you read The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver? Fictional story of a Baptist missionary family in the Belgian Congo. I read it years and years ago, but remember being totally engrossed in the book and thinking that it was well written and nicely illustrated cultural differences and the internal life of the main family.

    Happy Travels!

