December 20, 2013

Ranthambore National Park

So unfortunately my safari luck ran out - I didn't see a tiger. Ranthambore is a beautiful park. It was once a royal hunting reserve, so crumbling old buildings line the lake shores. After a week in the city, it was a wonderfully green and peaceful escape. However, I think they should call it a tiger lottery, not a tiger safari, because it seems your chances of seeing a tiger are pretty unlikely. The park assigns each vehicle one of 8 zones to explore. So if you're lucky enough to spot fresh tracks or hear a warning call, you have to hope the tiger stays in your zone. If you're in zone 2 and the tiger is posing for pictures in zone 3, you are SOL, because you're not allowed to change zones. Given how hard it is to find tigers anyway, the zone restrictions seems to make your chances very slim.

One of the picturesque lakes

Now doesn't this just look like the perfect tiger snack?

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