November 25, 2013

Black rhinos!

I was fearing the prospect of leaving Africa without my Big 5, so I signed up for a rhino safari in a private game reserve in Zimbabwe. A local woman told my fellow traveler we were cheating by not finding the animals in the wild, but we didn't care! Rhinos are extremely endangered and many are being kept in protected reserves rather than national parks. The crazy Chinese think powdered rhino horn cures every disease known to mankind, and their demand is leading to the decimation of this gentle animal. It's killed for the horn only, which is worth about half a million dollars on the black market! Our guide told us that the chances the next generation would see rhinos were slim.

So, cheating or not, we found them! (It was a 6,000 acre preserve, and our fees help conservation efforts, so hey local lady, lighten up!)

We saw 3, and later saw a mother with her her 1 year old baby, but I didn't get a good shot of them. I thought they were adorable. Their chewing is very loud! And they make the funniest little squeak when communicating.

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