November 23, 2013

Zambian culture

It is improper for a man to cook or clean.
A dowry is paid to the family of a woman upon her engagement, in money or cows.
If a man gets a woman pregnant outside of marriage, he must pay a $10,000 damage fee. 
Zambians are very religious. Even when young people embrace modernity and move to the city, they still observe tradition when in their villages. 
They consider it rude to look someone in the eyes.
Divorce is taboo. Homosexuality is illegal. Polygamy is not. About a third of the population is polygamous! If a man wants to marry, he must be able to afford the bridal dowry and a house....for each wife. HIV/AIDS is a serious problem. Polygamy has contributed to its spread. 
Facebook and cell phones are a major distraction during dinner time. 

(This information was gleaned during a cultural talk at camp and was not verified by independent research. )

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