November 22, 2013

I (heart) NY

I found a great burger place in Cape Town, where I had an ostrich burger and some pinotage. When I read the menu, I learned the owners had travelled to NYC to learn how to make awesome burgers. Later I researched jazz clubs, and the hot spot was The Mahogany Room, modeled after NY's Village Vanguard. And so it began, my case of NYC-compare-itis. I'm sure my fellow NY-ers are familiar with this travel malady, in which comparisons of the current city to one's hometown induce anxiety, sweating and mild nausea. My suffering culminated in a fruitless search to buy 5 basic toiletries all at the same store, exacerbated by the stress of 5pm closing times. 

Are these comparisons unfair? Probably. But unavoidable.

And no, I didn't try the pizza. That makes the sickness worse!

1 comment:

  1. NYC misses you too! The pizza will be here when you return. We'll plan a girls' night pizza fest!
