November 19, 2013

Lion kill!

My guide and I came across a pride of lions resting in the shade of a tree. They were sleeping like a bunch of kittens, all piled on top of one another, their limbs entwined. We decided to sit and watch them for awhile, hoping they might wake up. Eventually one stretched and sat up, and slowly the others began to wake. Soon all of them were alert, staring off in the same direction. We followed their gaze and saw a lone buffalo about 25m away. Lunch time! The head lioness and one cohort took the lead. They spread out and then began to close in on the buffalo from opposite directions. As they got closer, the others began to dispatch, 2 to 3 at a time. It seemed a carefully planned operation! The first two lionesses surprised the buffalo, the big mama bit his nose and her sidekick went for the hind legs. They skillfully took down this massive animal in mere minutes. Then the other lions leaped forward and assisted in killing the buffalo. It seemed that the lioness suffocated her prey by keeping her mouth over his. Eventually the moans stopped and the lions began ripping away the hide. When they had had their fill, they strolled over to the shade, flopped down and went back to sleep.

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